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Social IT at the Horizon2020 Artificial Intelligence & Health" Brokerage Event

On September 16-17th, CAPTAIN partner Social IT participated to the "Horizon2020 Artificial Intelligence & Health" Brokerage Event, which took place in Oslo, Norway.

The event represented a great opportunity to disseminate the CAPTAIN project activities, its Agile methodology and its achievements, maximizing the project awareness among industries and researchers working in the field at EU level (more than 160 participated to the event) and establishing possible synergies for the maximum benefit and exploitation of the project.

To further confirm the optimal achievements of the CAPTAIN project, Dr. Violeta I. Perez Nueno (European Commission DG CONNECT, H3 – eHealth, Wellbeing and Ageing) mentioned, in her plenary presentation “Artificial Intelligence for better Health and Care in the EU”, the CAPTAIN project as one of the best four examples of H2020 in-silico and AI-based projects.

People who participated: Valentina Conotter, Maurizio Gianordoli

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